Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mid Life Crisis (MLC) Fact or Fiction? PART 2. This too will pass...

Yes you will receive a basic interpretation of Astrology on this 'MLC' (mid life crisis) article as well as the psychological fraternities opinions.
The higher acceptance we need to grasp is the maturity to surrender our restlessness, this confusion, this state of 'is this all there is?' It seems in our resistance we are actually further denying our next exciting chapter we have a chance at recapturing, BOB D.
(Boulevard Of Broken Dreams).

Our dreams and previous desires with maturity, experience and hopefully wisdom and discernment can once again be ours using the challenges of the 'MLC' (38-45 years of age) positive lessons than the opposite and painfully chosen 'uncomfortable yet comfortable' challenges.

Astronomically our slower moving planets
Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and now Chiron (pronounced Ky-ron and known as the Wounded Healer) a planet asteroid, still un-decided by science.

It is believed the manifestations of the energy of these slower moving planets affect the consciousness of not only the individual but the whole of earth as one, as they progress in their journey and affect us and each other as a WHOLE. A ONE.

At the age of 38-45 some major aspects (astrology jargon - meaning energy forces affecting an individuals map of birth where the slower moving planets mentioned were situated). In other words some major opportunities and challenges are presented having an effect of a certain forced maturity through areas of life that may have not been authenticated as yet. As these planets affect your birth map you can't deny the effects even until it is felt years later.

That's where it gets uncomfortable. Up till now some of us having been living a life that was illusionary in a sense, it was taught by our environment of all its many programmed aspects. Now we have the chance to really have an extra hand from these planets as slow and painful as some of us may feel through, our resistance to our inner truth, potential and purpose on this planet.

Psychology will tell you this age group 'MLC' is painful and prescribe anxiety and depression medication as they rightly understand it. (It can help to relieve some of the pressure and confusion). When a person has lived a life as 'almost another person' the shock and post natal stress is real. These people are asking themselves "who am I if I'm not who I thought I was and what am I going to do about it". "Where do I find the real me?" In abusive marriages one must ask "how they got there." 'MLC' is a powerful stage in our lives to chart a future course into the eventual aspect CHIRON (Known as the Wounded Healer) will offer you wholelistic healing at 50 and a future, planned on the desires of the authentic individual.

Yes mistakes may have been made along the way, addictions wired into our subconscious now have the opportunity to be understood and relearned, thus, rewiring our reactive brain channels that we have been operating in to no avail or help for us or any of our brothers and sisters.

Authentic choices can be made!


in Inspirational

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