Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reduce Depression With These Free Tips

In this article, I am going to explain methods on how to reduce depression. There are ever increasing daily pressures facing people and it is very easy to become down and depressed. I am a person who was often feeling low, sorry for myself and basically was very unhappy, however I have now managed to pull my life around and am now able to cope and enjoy what life brings. I hope you enjoy reading the article and if you are one of the many people who suffer from depression, I hope the advice is beneficial.

My name is Stephen Hill and I am from England. Looking back on my life, as I often do, I now find it hard to believe the way in which I used to think and approach life. I was a very negative person, I would stress about seemingly everything and believed that I was so unfortunate compared to other people.

I would always be comparing my life with those of my friends and family. These people seemed to really enjoy life and did not seem to have a care in the world. I, on the other hand had many issues to deal, with which made life one big struggle. I was unable to talk fluently due to a stammering problem, this stammer caused me many traumas and made me into a very quiet and shy person. This issue alone made me very depressed and made socialising very difficult. I am sure you can imagine the effect it had on my self-confidence and self-esteem.

These were the other issues I had to contend with:

A constant battle with my weight, I was far to over-weight most of the time, this I believe was because I sought comfort in the way of food.

My height, I was the shortest male in my class in high school, this for whatever reason made me feel less of a man and less attractive to members of the opposite sex.

My bald patch, this seems so trivial now, however this area of my scalp where hair does not grow caused me many anxieties, especially when I was a teenager.

Enough is enough.

In my early twenties, I decided that I had had enough of being miserable and depressed. I wanted to be happy and content. I then made a decision to attempt to improve my life, I was going to hopefully achieve this by reading about successful people, and by learning more about depression, positive thinking and ways to improve self-confidence. I spent many months doing this and the results have changed my whole life.

What I needed to do, was not to compare my life to people just in my circle, but to compare it to everyone in the world. I started to read and find out about how people lived in different parts of the world. Watching the news each day would keep me abreast of current affairs. Some of the stories and the way in which people live came not so much as a shock, but as a wake up call to me. I would not want to swap my life with theirs, that is for sure.

The problems that I had or thought I had, were now so small compared to what other people have to cope with, and it actually made me feel quite grateful. I have a weight problem, this is something of my own doing and something which I can change, if I am determined enough. Even though I stammer, I can still converse, I may even be able to cure the stammer, which I now have. I was now suddenly feeling more positive and was now able to seek solutions to my issues.

I have now achieved fluency and am now at a weight that I am happy with, however I could not do anything about my lack of height or about the bald patch. This is not a worry to me, as I am now happy with my height and I show everybody who I meet my bald patch, like I am proud of it.

In conclusion, it is time to pull ourselves out of our depression by becoming stronger, by thinking in a more positive manner, by trying to find solutions to our problems and by realising that in fact we are one of the lucky ones.

in Depression

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How To Meditate

How to meditate? Breath, and watch your breath.

Among the documented benefits of meditation are less anxiety, decreased depression, reduction in irritability and moodiness, better learning ability and memory and greater creativity. That's just for starters. Then there is slower aging (possibly due to higher DHEA levels), feelings of vitality and rejuvenation, less stress (actual lowering of cortisol and lactate levels), rest (lower metabolic and heart rate), lower blood pressure, and higher blood oxygen levels

How to Meditate Right Now

Here's a simple technique that will give you results in minutes. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and tense up your whole body. Sigh deeply, then breath deeply through your nose and release the tension from every muscle. Just feel each part relaxing, watching for parts that may hold onto tension, like a tight jaw.

If you still have tension somewhere, tense up that part again, then let it relax. It may also help to repeat silently "relax" as the tension drains. This will train your body and mind to recognize relaxation. Later you may be able to relax more easily just by repeating "relax" a few times.

Breath through your nose. This is important because it brings in more oxygen by involving your diaphragm more. You can test this. Breath with your mouth and you'll notice that your breathing is shallower. Then breath through your nose and you'll notice that your abdomen extends more. Air is being drawn deeper into your lungs.

Allow your breathing to fall into a comfortable pattern, and pay attention to it. Pay attention to your breath as it passes in and out of your nose. Your mind may wander endlessly, but all you have to do is continually bring attention back to your breath.

If your mind is still too busy, try naming the distractions as a way of setting them aside. For example, say in your mind, "itchy leg," "worried about work," or "anger," and then immediately return attention to your breathing. Use any way you can to identify and set aside distractions.

That's it. Continue for five or ten minutes, or for 100 breaths. Afterwards, open your eyes and sit there for a few seconds. You'll feel relaxed, and your mind will feel refreshed. And you'll be better prepared for any mental challenges. That's how to meditate. 

in Meditation

Tramadol - 10 Things You Should Know

Tramadol, the generic version of Ultram, is a synthetic analgesic medication. The exact mode of action of tramadol is unknown but it is said to work like morphine. Tramadol binds to opioid receptors in the brain -- receptors that transmit the sensation of pain throughout the body. Here are 10 things you should know about tramadol to ensure its safe use.
1 - Tramadol is prescribed to treat moderate to moderately severe pain.

Tramadol belongs to the class of drugs known as opiate agonists. Primarily, tramadol works by changing the way the body senses pain. Some people mistakenly believe that tramadol is an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), but it is not.
2 - Tramadol is available in immediate release and extended release formulations.

Tramadol may be prescribed as an immediate release tablet (50 mg.) or as an extended release tablet (100, 200, or 300 mg.). The extended release tablets are usually reserved for patients with chronic pain who require continuous, long-term treatment. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage schedule for you.
3 - Tramadol extended release tablets must be taken whole, not split, chewed or crushed.

It is important to take tramadol properly and to follow prescribing instructions. If taken improperly or in a way that is not recommended, serious side effects and even death can result.
4 - Tramadol can be habit-forming for some people.

Do not take more tramadol than has been prescribed for you. Taking more tramadol or taking it more often can cause dependency on it. You should also not stop taking tramadol without first consulting your doctor. You may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stopped it suddenly. You doctor will likely decrease your dose of tramadol gradually.
5 - Drug interactions are possible with tramadol.

Be aware of the following possible drug interactions:

    Carbamazepine reduces the effect of tramadol
    Quinidine increases the concentration of tramadol by 50% to 60%
    Combining tramadol with an MAO (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) inhibitor or SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) can lead to seizures or other serious side effects.

Be sure to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.
6 - Tramadol, when combined with certain other substances, can increase central nervous system and respiratory depression.

In other words, breathing may be affected or even stop if tramadol is combined with alcohol, narcotic drugs, anesthetics, tranquilizers, or sedatives.
7 - The use of tramadol during pregnancy should be avoided.

Because the safety of tramadol use during pregnancy has not been established, the medication should not be used during pregnancy. The safe use of tramadol in nursing mothers has also not been established.
8 - Tramadol is usually well-tolerated. Any side effects are usually temporary.

Some of the common side effects associated with tramadol include:


Less common side effects include: itching, sweating, diarrhea, rash, dry mouth, and vertigo. There have been patients who developed seizures after taking tramadol.
9 - A Cochrane Review of tramadol to treat osteoarthritis revealed some small benefit.

The Cochrane Review stated that when tramadol is taken for up to 3 months, there may be decreased pain, improvements in function and stiffness and overall well-being. However, tramadol can cause side effects that are significant enough to require that the patient must stop taking the medication. Risks outweigh benefits for many people who have tried tramadol.
10 - If an overdose of tramadol has occurred, call your local poison control center, or call 911 if it appears to be an emergency situation.

Symptoms of an overdose include decreased pupil size, difficulty breathing or staying awake, unconscious, coma, heart attack, or seizure. Call for help, even if you are unsure about what to do.


Tramadol. MedlinePlus. 7/1/2007.>