Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Leadership Learning: The Real Costs Of Not Doing Leadership Training

A report from the Said Business School at Oxford University in the UK found that British businesses and public sector organizations are wasting almost $140 million on executive education programs that are poorly conceived and delivered.

The study went on to say that 35 per cent of HR directors and 21 per cent of other executives believed that their current training and development programs were meeting corporate strategic objectives. The bulk of the money was being spent on individually developed courses for senior executives.

If those businesses want to quit wasting all that money on bad management training, I know where they can get their moneys worth. And it doesn't have anything to do with having more academics design special courses, events, and outings for senior staff.

Here's a novel idea folks. Why not spend your money on leadership training and development down in the trenches, where it will really do some good?

Most companies don't do nearly enough of that. In 2003, just 7 percent of training budgets in the US were spent on first line leaders and most of that was for learning administrivia and for prophylactic HR.

The fact is that front line leaders don't get much training at all and precious little of it is actually about leadership skills. Maybe that's because companies think they're saving money by not investing in front line leader training.

True, there's no budget line item absorbing funds that might be spent on the executive dining room, or art for the CEO's office. But there are what economists call "opportunity costs," the costs of not training front line leaders.

There's the opportunity cost of lost productivity. Good frontline leadership builds both morale and profitability.

There's the opportunity cost of lost leadership. Great companies develop most of their own leaders. If you have to go outside for leadership you incur recruitment costs and transition costs.

Finally, there's the cost of lawsuits. Good frontline leadership creates organizations where lawsuits are less likely. And, ff the company is sued over a supervision issue, defense will be easier if the leaders have been doing their jobs.

How about your company? Do you develop your own leaders? Do you help them develop the skills they need to improve morale and productivity and avoid lawsuits? Think about that the next time you consider the training budget. 

in Leadership

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Effect of Depression in Women

Women, regardless of nationality or socioeconomic status, have a higher chance to have depression than men. The reasons for such higher chance appear to be a combination of biological and cultural factors.

Women's Hormonal Variation and Life Phase

Extreme hormonal changes can trigger the reaction of emotional swings for all women. There are studies that show how the hormones can contribute in depression but the reason is not yet totally clear.

Female hormones undoubtedly play a big role in "premenstrual dysphoria", postpartum depression, and the SAD moment. These forms of depression draw back or stop after the menopausal stage.

In early puberty a girl who reaches the age of 11 years old or younger are more prone to experience depression during adolescence than those girls that are more matured.

By the time of pre-menopausal, women between the ages of 20 and 45 are most at risk to get depression. Based on the record of the study, 34% of this age group are complaining of having symptoms of major depression.

Depression usually occurs around menopausal stage, it is the stage when the women's hormonal secretion changes. Usually symptoms like lack of sleep, mood swing, hypertension, and loss of appetite are experienced.

Once the women pass into the postmenopausal stage, some of the studies show that the average depression scores are nearly as low as those women that are under premenopausal stage. As a matter of fact, there are women cases that shows that after they had experienced menopause, they had also suffered from depression. One of the particular cause in that case is the seasonal changes.

There are other studies in United States that have reported that even grandmothers who shows care for their grandchildren and family, not considering the situation in which they work outside or at home, have a high risk for depression, other factors may be involved. 

in Depression

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Camouflage Make-up to Hide All Your Skin Imperfections

Cam*ou*flage (kam e-flaj) n. -- Camouflage is defined in the dictionary as a means of disguising things completely, so they appear a natural part of the surroundings. This holds true for the advanced camouflage make-up available today that conceals major to minor skin imperfections, with precision, yet with a perfectly natural look. This new technology, offers the convenience of a cover-up formula that works for both face and body without setting powder.

Application techniques have also become more patient friendly to accommodate the women and men who may not wear ordinary make-up, but need to cover unsightly skin flaws. According to the most recent criteria requested by Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons and other skin care professionals, camouflage cosmetics should have these inherent qualities:

* Clinically Tested

* Allergy Tested

* Fragrance Free

* Non-Comedogenic

* Opaque Coverage

* Long Lasting

* Waterproof

* Non-Greasy

* Smudge-Resistant

* Appropriate For All Skin Types

* Natural Shade Selection

* Ease of Application

* Blendability

Serving as an adjunctive service to physician care, Camouflage Therapy helps people help themselves. Skin problems can range from pigmentation disturbances to post operative trauma to diseases of the skin. The camouflage material must be versatile enough to mask most skin imperfections including: Birthmarks, Post Laser Redness, Surgical Discolorations, Chemical Peels, Bruising, Hypo and Hyper Pigmentation, Vitiligo, Rosacea, Lupus, Melasma, Dark Eye Circles, Broken Capillaries, Cleft and Craniofacial Conditions, Acne Blemishes, Psoriasis, Sun Spots, Age Spots, Brown Spots, Varicose Veins and Spider Veins, Surface Scars, Uneven Skin Tone, Fine Lines, Furrows, Freckles, and Tattoos.

Detailed instructions should accompany Corrective Cosmetics so that patients can master the cover-p applications that best suits their needs. They want instructions to be short, simple and easy to follow at home. Support services should ideally be provided at a toll-free number or on a dedicated website.

In today's society, where outward image and appearance are increasingly important, camouflaging is gaining speed s the practical solution. "Cosmetic cover-ups are desirable options for eliminating some of the emotional barriers caused by skin disfigurations, says Steven D. Shapiro, Board Certified Dermatologist, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. He commends the fact that the new age concealers have become uncomplicated and satisfy his multigenerational patient base.

With the increased use of camouflaging to hide skin flaws, new application techniques have been developed by Aestheticians and Corrective Make-Up Artists, to provide gratifying results for their clients. Consider these case studies:

* Case #1. Linda K, was born with a large port-wine stain running from her neck down to her shoulder. As a twin, having this noticeable mark was very disturbing during her formative years. Until she discovered a concealer that would really last, she tried to live with it. However, she now applies a one-step formula that goes on creamy and dries to a matte finish and she wore a low cut dress to her daughter's wedding.

* Case #2. Angela E, was born with a hemangioma on her face that grew to huge proportions and seriously disfigured her physically and mentally. With the support of her grandmother and caring physicians, she underwent over 30 surgeries and grafts to give her a more normal appearance. Now that she is in her late teens, camouflage make-up has been a welcome solution to some of the scarring and uneven skin-tone that resulted from the reconstructive surgery. 

Proven Application Techniques:

According to Christina Smith, Hollywood Make-Up Artist and Academy Award nominee, "I couldn't do my job without Camouflage Cosmetics. Most of the beautiful stars I work with have something to hide and I must give coverage that lasts under studio lights. Very often, I need to mix 2 or more shades to obtain the perfect match for my client's skin tone (there's no retouching in film photography). Although the shade mixing can be done on the hand, I prefer to use a Q-tip and blend the shades on a piece of wax paper… less mess and easier blending.

* Camouflage make-up is very opaque and should be applied gradually until complete coverage is achieved. Allow time for make-up to dry completely.

* Corrective Cosmetics should be formulated to be worn under make-up, over make-up or alone.

* For best results choose a camouflage make-up shade that closely matches your skin tone. Match the area that is being covered since the skin on your hand may be a different shade than your face.

* Use a light, non-greasy primer before applying camouflage products. This primer will help prepare the skin for a smoother application.

* Blending is the KEY to successful camouflaging on large areas. For a nice smooth finish, apply cover material and use a dry, wedge-shaped sponge to evenly blend make-up on face and neck. For targeted areas such as scars and blemishes use fingertips to blend edges.

* Try using camouflage products for contouring: use a slightly darker shade than your natural skin tone to minimize areas. For example, to minimize a broad nose, draw contour line down both sides of the nose and blend with a sponge. Contouring and highlighting can help minimize the look of swelling.

* Camouflage products are much more than ordinary foundations and concealers. They can be used daily as a foundation for uneven skin tones and to soften the redness associated with rosacea.

* For scarred areas use a camouflage crème slightly darker than skin tone since scarred tissue usually has a loss of pigment.

* For post surgery, use a concealing make-up that is creamy in texture so it won't pull on the skin during the application process.

* It is recommended that cosmetic surgery patients purchase their camouflage makeup before surgery in the correct shade since it is difficult to "shop post op."

* After procedures around the eyes, it may be simpler for the patient to use a highly pigmented cover-stick with a creamy consistency to get into corners and avoid tugging on the delicate eye area.

* A word of caution -- all cosmetic cover-ups should never be applied to open skin lesions or raw irritated skin. Seek the advice of a physician if you are in doubt about when it is appropriate to apply a concealer.  

in Beauty

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reduce Depression With These Free Tips

In this article, I am going to explain methods on how to reduce depression. There are ever increasing daily pressures facing people and it is very easy to become down and depressed. I am a person who was often feeling low, sorry for myself and basically was very unhappy, however I have now managed to pull my life around and am now able to cope and enjoy what life brings. I hope you enjoy reading the article and if you are one of the many people who suffer from depression, I hope the advice is beneficial.

My name is Stephen Hill and I am from England. Looking back on my life, as I often do, I now find it hard to believe the way in which I used to think and approach life. I was a very negative person, I would stress about seemingly everything and believed that I was so unfortunate compared to other people.

I would always be comparing my life with those of my friends and family. These people seemed to really enjoy life and did not seem to have a care in the world. I, on the other hand had many issues to deal, with which made life one big struggle. I was unable to talk fluently due to a stammering problem, this stammer caused me many traumas and made me into a very quiet and shy person. This issue alone made me very depressed and made socialising very difficult. I am sure you can imagine the effect it had on my self-confidence and self-esteem.

These were the other issues I had to contend with:

A constant battle with my weight, I was far to over-weight most of the time, this I believe was because I sought comfort in the way of food.

My height, I was the shortest male in my class in high school, this for whatever reason made me feel less of a man and less attractive to members of the opposite sex.

My bald patch, this seems so trivial now, however this area of my scalp where hair does not grow caused me many anxieties, especially when I was a teenager.

Enough is enough.

In my early twenties, I decided that I had had enough of being miserable and depressed. I wanted to be happy and content. I then made a decision to attempt to improve my life, I was going to hopefully achieve this by reading about successful people, and by learning more about depression, positive thinking and ways to improve self-confidence. I spent many months doing this and the results have changed my whole life.

What I needed to do, was not to compare my life to people just in my circle, but to compare it to everyone in the world. I started to read and find out about how people lived in different parts of the world. Watching the news each day would keep me abreast of current affairs. Some of the stories and the way in which people live came not so much as a shock, but as a wake up call to me. I would not want to swap my life with theirs, that is for sure.

The problems that I had or thought I had, were now so small compared to what other people have to cope with, and it actually made me feel quite grateful. I have a weight problem, this is something of my own doing and something which I can change, if I am determined enough. Even though I stammer, I can still converse, I may even be able to cure the stammer, which I now have. I was now suddenly feeling more positive and was now able to seek solutions to my issues.

I have now achieved fluency and am now at a weight that I am happy with, however I could not do anything about my lack of height or about the bald patch. This is not a worry to me, as I am now happy with my height and I show everybody who I meet my bald patch, like I am proud of it.

In conclusion, it is time to pull ourselves out of our depression by becoming stronger, by thinking in a more positive manner, by trying to find solutions to our problems and by realising that in fact we are one of the lucky ones.

in Depression

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How To Meditate

How to meditate? Breath, and watch your breath.

Among the documented benefits of meditation are less anxiety, decreased depression, reduction in irritability and moodiness, better learning ability and memory and greater creativity. That's just for starters. Then there is slower aging (possibly due to higher DHEA levels), feelings of vitality and rejuvenation, less stress (actual lowering of cortisol and lactate levels), rest (lower metabolic and heart rate), lower blood pressure, and higher blood oxygen levels

How to Meditate Right Now

Here's a simple technique that will give you results in minutes. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and tense up your whole body. Sigh deeply, then breath deeply through your nose and release the tension from every muscle. Just feel each part relaxing, watching for parts that may hold onto tension, like a tight jaw.

If you still have tension somewhere, tense up that part again, then let it relax. It may also help to repeat silently "relax" as the tension drains. This will train your body and mind to recognize relaxation. Later you may be able to relax more easily just by repeating "relax" a few times.

Breath through your nose. This is important because it brings in more oxygen by involving your diaphragm more. You can test this. Breath with your mouth and you'll notice that your breathing is shallower. Then breath through your nose and you'll notice that your abdomen extends more. Air is being drawn deeper into your lungs.

Allow your breathing to fall into a comfortable pattern, and pay attention to it. Pay attention to your breath as it passes in and out of your nose. Your mind may wander endlessly, but all you have to do is continually bring attention back to your breath.

If your mind is still too busy, try naming the distractions as a way of setting them aside. For example, say in your mind, "itchy leg," "worried about work," or "anger," and then immediately return attention to your breathing. Use any way you can to identify and set aside distractions.

That's it. Continue for five or ten minutes, or for 100 breaths. Afterwards, open your eyes and sit there for a few seconds. You'll feel relaxed, and your mind will feel refreshed. And you'll be better prepared for any mental challenges. That's how to meditate. 

in Meditation

Tramadol - 10 Things You Should Know

Tramadol, the generic version of Ultram, is a synthetic analgesic medication. The exact mode of action of tramadol is unknown but it is said to work like morphine. Tramadol binds to opioid receptors in the brain -- receptors that transmit the sensation of pain throughout the body. Here are 10 things you should know about tramadol to ensure its safe use.
1 - Tramadol is prescribed to treat moderate to moderately severe pain.

Tramadol belongs to the class of drugs known as opiate agonists. Primarily, tramadol works by changing the way the body senses pain. Some people mistakenly believe that tramadol is an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), but it is not.
2 - Tramadol is available in immediate release and extended release formulations.

Tramadol may be prescribed as an immediate release tablet (50 mg.) or as an extended release tablet (100, 200, or 300 mg.). The extended release tablets are usually reserved for patients with chronic pain who require continuous, long-term treatment. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage schedule for you.
3 - Tramadol extended release tablets must be taken whole, not split, chewed or crushed.

It is important to take tramadol properly and to follow prescribing instructions. If taken improperly or in a way that is not recommended, serious side effects and even death can result.
4 - Tramadol can be habit-forming for some people.

Do not take more tramadol than has been prescribed for you. Taking more tramadol or taking it more often can cause dependency on it. You should also not stop taking tramadol without first consulting your doctor. You may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stopped it suddenly. You doctor will likely decrease your dose of tramadol gradually.
5 - Drug interactions are possible with tramadol.

Be aware of the following possible drug interactions:

    Carbamazepine reduces the effect of tramadol
    Quinidine increases the concentration of tramadol by 50% to 60%
    Combining tramadol with an MAO (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) inhibitor or SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) can lead to seizures or other serious side effects.

Be sure to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.
6 - Tramadol, when combined with certain other substances, can increase central nervous system and respiratory depression.

In other words, breathing may be affected or even stop if tramadol is combined with alcohol, narcotic drugs, anesthetics, tranquilizers, or sedatives.
7 - The use of tramadol during pregnancy should be avoided.

Because the safety of tramadol use during pregnancy has not been established, the medication should not be used during pregnancy. The safe use of tramadol in nursing mothers has also not been established.
8 - Tramadol is usually well-tolerated. Any side effects are usually temporary.

Some of the common side effects associated with tramadol include:


Less common side effects include: itching, sweating, diarrhea, rash, dry mouth, and vertigo. There have been patients who developed seizures after taking tramadol.
9 - A Cochrane Review of tramadol to treat osteoarthritis revealed some small benefit.

The Cochrane Review stated that when tramadol is taken for up to 3 months, there may be decreased pain, improvements in function and stiffness and overall well-being. However, tramadol can cause side effects that are significant enough to require that the patient must stop taking the medication. Risks outweigh benefits for many people who have tried tramadol.
10 - If an overdose of tramadol has occurred, call your local poison control center, or call 911 if it appears to be an emergency situation.

Symptoms of an overdose include decreased pupil size, difficulty breathing or staying awake, unconscious, coma, heart attack, or seizure. Call for help, even if you are unsure about what to do.


Tramadol. MedlinePlus. 7/1/2007.>

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning - hard work but such a great pay off!

Spring-cleaning: for some a chore for others a joy. I learned about this ritual at an early age. Now, the thought of spring-cleaning evokes precious memories.

When I was a young child, back in the land of four seasons and none of them rain (Manitoba), the cold inhibiting days of winter were ushered out with a yearly farm ritual: spring-cleaning. No corner of our home was left untouched by brooms, dusters, scrub brushes, rags and other cleaning weapons. Every inch of closet was emptied, inventories were taken, value was assessed, surfaces were washed and cleaned, and then those clothes that were still 'good' were organized in a useful and efficient way. Beds were moved, dressers emptied, ceilings dusted.

My memory of choice is the window cleaning. After windowpanes were removed for cleaning, the windowsill became a place of pure ecstasy! I can easily recall those moments: sitting on my perfect perch, watching the ice break up in the creek behind our home. Huge pieces floated by, cracking loudly, twisting, crunching, piling up in a chaotic proclamation of the new season's arrival. Fresh air was in abundance; pussy willows to the left, bird feeders with chirping chickadees to the right. It was heavenly!

It was that type of day where I learned that hard work pays off. At that early age, I felt the change of energy in my home and in myself after a day of thorough de-cluttering and cleaning. The house felt lighter, brighter, more cheerful. I felt like skipping.

The best part of de-cluttering and organizing for me today is hearing my clients describe similar feelings of lightness and freedom after a session together. Whether in their home or office, de-cluttering can be a cathartic passing of the old, the start a whole new season in life.

What are your plans this spring? Is a cluttered room or desk stopping you from enjoying your home or office the way you'd like to enjoy it? Have your dust bunnies proliferated beyond a reasonable limit? Do you find spring-cleaning to be a daunting task of Olympian magnitude? Has it never even occurred to you that a good spring-cleaning would be appropriate at the office? 

in Organizing